Welcome to our Virtual Show in our Golden Anniversary Year and thank you all for taking the time to send in such an interesting range of entries.
You can view the different classes using the buttons below. If you want to see an individual picture, then click on it and return to the class page by using
the browser's back button.
Voting has now been completed and the winners are:-
Class 1 (Bearded)
1st was shared by:
78 Sue Bedwell with ‘Burnt Toffee’
87 Jane Stephenson Ingram with ‘Benton Old Madrid’
Class 2 (Beardless)
1st was shared by:
61 Alun Whitehead with ‘Hoar Edge’
74 Jane Stephenson Ingram with ‘Mysterious Monique’
76 Jill Whitehead with a PCI Seedling
Class 3 (Other Iridaceae)
1st 69 Sue Bedwell with Moraea villosa
2nd 59 James Watson with Crocus paschei
Class 4 (Species)
1st 65 Ian Smith with Iris acutiloba ssp. lineolata
2nd was shared by:|
49 James Watson with a Juno seedling
53 Jeremy Handy with Iris japonica
Class 5 (Garden)
1st 58 Fern Harden
2nd was shared by:
57 Anne Milner
65 Karen Saunders
Class 6 (Creative)
1st 66 Jane Stephenson Ingram
2nd 60 Carol Poulton
Class 7 (Golden Class)
1st 49 James Watson with Crocus ‘Romance’
2nd 60 Jane Stephenson Ingram with ‘Gold of Autum’
Best in Show :
was won by Alun Whitehead with CL2 61 ‘Hoar Edge’
Congratulations to all our winners and many thanks to all our exhibitors!
West & Midlands Iris Group Virtual Show 2024 -Rules
1. Send your images, indicating which class you are entering to info@westandmidlandsirisgroup.org.uk
2. There are seven classes:
Class 1. Bearded iris
Class 2. Beardless iris
Class 3. Other Iridaceae
Class 4. Species iris
Class 5. Iridaceae in a garden setting
Class 6. An abstract/creative photo of an iris or Iridaceae. e.g. Just the beard.
Class 7. A special Golden Class – any type of exhibit which shows a definite Golden Theme or
relates to our inaugural year of 1974.
We are limiting the number of entries to three in each class, except class 7 where only one entry is
3. They will be numbered, so it is anonymous and will be added to our website -
4. Irises can be photographed from 1st January 2024 with a cut-off date of the 14th August 2024.
Please send your images between 1st August and the 14th August. The image should encompass the
whole of the flower spike and to be fairer to all, we would prefer that you didn't use photoshop, but
cropping of the entry is allowed. It would also be helpful to have the name of the iris, that is if you
know it!
5. After this date, we will be asking members to vote for their favourite in each class and their Best in
Show. Votes will be counted and a certificate will be awarded for each class and we will feature the
winning entries in our Newsletter. We would also like to use any photos which are submitted for
publicity purposes, eg Newsletters, Bulletins or for Facebook, so please say if you are not happy with
6. In the event of any tie, Ian our Show Secretary will have the casting vote!
Finally – Good Luck!